It’s Time for some (Positive!) Change
There is no sure fire way to be happy, no book or activity or food we can buy will offer us the cure to find perfect happiness, and there is a very simple reason why not. Happiness and positive energy has to come from with us, from our self worth and contentment with our actions and our world. Yet, even though there is no outsider’s way to reach this state, there are things you can do that will help you relax and clear your mind enough so that the stresses of the new year don’t bring you down.
Brain Massage~
Getting quiet through any kind of meditation is a great and simple place to start. You don’t have to sit a certain way or turn your guest room into a spa, only breathe. Nearly half of the oxygen your body craves is used solely by your mind, so taking a few moments to feed your greatest weapon and defense through conscious deep breathing exercises that will awaken, strengthen, and clarify your thoughts.
Golden Rule~
Someone once described holding resentment or bitterness as drinking your own poison, so no matter how you were wronged, do your best to address it and move on. No one has the right to steal your peace, so simply offer a smile, turn the other cheek, and continue throughout your day, keeping in mind that unless you want to spread this virus you should always treat everyone in your path with the respect you would expect.
Change is inevitable, history and our own experiences have proved that time and time again. Although we might not always have full control of the situation we are placed in, we do control how we react (or don’t react) to it. If you are in a position that puts you under stress, rather than add to the unease with complaints or arguments, do your best to either find a reasonable way out of it, or locate a mindset that allows you to live with, if not flourish in it. As all Military personnel know, when orders come, they have to be followed, so set aside 2013 as the year to bend, taking things as they come, and always seeking the most healthy and positive way to benefit from any of the countless new experiences you will face.
Emotional reboot~
All too often we find ourselves in a cycle of negative thoughts, which turns into negative emotions, and finally manifests into negative actions. All this angst originates in how we perceive ourselves and our situations. What we choose see dictates what we think, and all it takes is a slight change of perspective to alter our thought process, creating a positive domino effect through our entire being. As horrible as things may seem, or how dire a state the world is in, there are always small rays of light to be found. Taking time for yourself to discover these things is imperative, whether that means a long hot shower and an uplifting novel, taking your children out to the park more, or getting out and socializing with a new group of people, you owe it to yourself to find out what makes you smile.
Move on~
A very wise monkey once said, “What does it matter? It’s in the past!” For those of you who recognized old Rafiki’s advice, I hope you take it. This is a brand new year, and it has the capability to signify a new chapter in your life. New Year’s resolutions aren’t always about losing weight, maybe you have a lifelong goal you haven’t reached yet, perhaps you are determined to set aside more time for your family, or to make that promotion. Whatever your goal is, take or make the time and energy to meet it. Not only will the self-accomplishment create a new sense of confidence and positive energy in you, you will also have the satisfaction in saying, “When they said the world was going to end, I changed mine.”
Live in the moment~
In this day and age we are surrounded by a hundred and one distractions, to the point where we can be talking to someone while our mind drifts off to wonder “Did I ever reply to that text?” Or worse, we could be having dinner with our family or friends and be more absorbed in our phones than we are their company. Multi-tasking is a wonderful skill to have, but sadly, many of us lack it, taking our attention away from the present while our minds muddle. While interacting with people try to stay completely and consciously present instead of letting yourself drift. Focusing on what is happening right here and now will allow you to take a full account of your surroundings, life, and those around you and have a clear and concise memory for later reference. A few moments of your undivided attention to your spouse, child, or friend will yield more to both of you than any facebook like or share.
Open your lungs and your eyes~
When things start to get hectic, (as we all know they will,) there is nothing more crucial than your sanity. Stepping outside for a few moments to look up at the clouds or trees and inhaling the fresh air is scientifically proven to calm you. Stuck in an office? Google some pictures of beaches or scenic landscapes. Studying the natural essence of the pictures and imaging yourself within them will give your mind a quick escape from the madness. Keep a playlist specially set aside for the times you need an uplifting and emotionally embracing respite, and stash your favorite treat somewhere so that should its salty or sweet comfort be needed, you can satisfy yourself without breaking the belt.
And as our wonderful editor Molly reminds us each week, take care. By tending to yourself and nurturing your mental, physical, and spiritual needs, whatever they are, you are building the foundation of your life. Don’t skip corners or rush. Have that cup of tea, that nibble of chocolate, and then go for that half hour walk you keep putting off until tomorrow. Having a positive inner vision of yourself will allow you to take on this year and the people you meet with confidence, grace, and a perfect balance of self-reliance, an optimistic outlook, and empathy for those around you.
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