You are beautiful.
Wanna know why? Because God made you. He crafted every aspect of who you are, and gave you your special ‘quirks’ so you could find your way to who you’ll become. Boy, girl, man or woman, He made you beautiful. The dirtiness and distaste you harbor against yourself is not what He intended for you. He never wanted you to be hurt or abused, He didn’t give you a heart only for it to be broken. He never wanted for any of humanity to know pain.That’s why we’ve got Jesus. He, God Himself, the most beautiful and perfect Being ever, died in the form of a man, so His Beauty might become ours. So when the world calls you ugly. And your sins stain you - Remember that He Made YOU to be Beautiful, and He can make you beautiful.
Not only in His Eyes, but in your One’s as well. The beauty of your spirit, when you seek Him, will shine forth and everyone will take notice. Their eyes might not bulge out of their heads, but they notice. They notice your true beauty in a way that Honors both you and God. You’re ‘One’ won’t see you as beautiful because of what you appear to be. Or for what you try to become. He/She will see your real Beauty. The Beauty only God can give.
Things that might not be at all beautiful to you, things that remind you of instances in your past, can become beautiful too. There is nothing too ‘dirty’ that His Love and Mercy can’t clean and make anew.
Girls, no matter how many pieces of yourselves you’ve given away or had taken from you throughout your life, He can make you whole and pure again in Spirit, and make your Beauty that of one without scars.
Guys, no matter what you’ve gone through, or what someone did to you - the temptations, the uncertainties and wayward actions- whatever it might be – God Alone can fulfill in you the desires of your heart.
First with His Love, and then with the Love of the One He has made for you.We are called to seek God first, seek our comfort and love in Him, and when we do, He will shower us with this beauty, with this light and Love. And, in time, He will provide us someone here on earth to remind us everyday of how Beautiful we are in God’s eyes and their own.“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. …”
You are never ‘spoiled’. You are beautiful. I will say it again, He is beautiful. You are beautiful.
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