Jesus, by giving His perfect life as a payment for ours, so we may live eternally with Him in heaven, showed the true meaning of sacrifice and love. Now we as Christians must show the world the love we have been given, no matter the opposition we face. We must all be Lions of God. Jesus said, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to Father except through Me." We can be the first glimpse of light, leading our peers, our family members, our enemies towards the true Light.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Don’t lose your Voice.

They Cannot force you into silence. even if the world is seemingly deaf to your voice – God isn’t. 

There is a reason you have gone through these things – a reason you were placed here. The fallen world can say whatever it wants about you, they can lie, cheat, hate, and even hurt you – but they can’t take away what god himself has given you – your voice, your love, your faith, your spirit – not if you don’t let them.

stand up for yourself. you are a child of god – you are strong in His Spirit and Cleaned in His Grace. You are HE who is in YOU. Let them hear your ROAR.

With my Love and His ~ Arial Alexis Lioness of God

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