Jesus, by giving His perfect life as a payment for ours, so we may live eternally with Him in heaven, showed the true meaning of sacrifice and love. Now we as Christians must show the world the love we have been given, no matter the opposition we face. We must all be Lions of God. Jesus said, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to Father except through Me." We can be the first glimpse of light, leading our peers, our family members, our enemies towards the true Light.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

For every ‘Trey’ out there.

I found this ‘comment’ under a facebook page I am a fan of. I didn’t know the guy. I didn’t know his whole story. I only knew God wanted me to help him.

Trey- “The love of my life left me back on 12/12. She took my joy, hope, faith and peace with her. I don't know if I believe in a just and true god anymore. All I know is that I'm tired of hurting, I'm tired isolating myself from everyone so they can't see the tears that are always there. I'm so tired and so lonely, I can't go on like this. I would have eatin a bullet by now, but I love her too much to let Sabrina carry that guilt around for the rest of her life. I want my joy, peace, and happiness back.”

I immediately linked to his profile and sent him this:

Arial (me, Lioness of God) - “I'm sorry that you feel so alone right now Trey, and I can't imagine what you must face everyday. But don't blame God for a human's downfalls. Whatever she did, and why she left doesn't make you any less a person. You were set here for a purpose Trey. GOD has you here for a purpose. Perhaps she wasn't a part of it. And I know how much it must hurt to think that. But its true. No human can be the source of all the peace and love we need. We were 1st made to receive that peace and love and hope from God, before he ever made a separate 'Adam' and a separate 'Eve'. God has amazing plans for you down the road. You might not be able to see them yet, but they're there. And to think that this crack in the pavement, this pain and hurt you're feeling, will never cease, is a trick from the devil to keep you from being one of God's warriors. Who knows, with time she could return or you'll find someone that makes you feel like 2x the man she did. I can't promise anything to you. But God already did. He promised an all comforting and accepting love. He promised us the perfect Home in Heaven. He promised us a new life by the washing of Christ's blood. He promised us a purpose by creating us. He promised you a future, Trey. To take your life now, or to let it go to ruins is stealing your life from God. He made you. He LOVES you. And He can see what your future holds. What you go through now makes you stronger and wiser for tomorrow. You are loved and not forgotten. What she did does not define you. You lived before her, You will live after her. Pray for God's peace. Being in pain is no way to start the New year...And I know God is the ultimate pain reliever.”

Within an hour, I received this: 

Trey- “Thank you. Thank you for reaching your hand out to comfort a stranger. Not many would.”

I can only pray something God had me tell him will help him through this painful time, and I know there are others out there, you, who could be facing the same hurt and loss he is. You are not alone. And you are not forgotten. God gives you nothing you cannot handle. You can make it through, you can face tomorrow. You are Loved.

If you want to talk, to be reassured of the promises you’ve been pledge, please email me @

With Our Love, -Arial, Lioness of God

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