Jesus, by giving His perfect life as a payment for ours, so we may live eternally with Him in heaven, showed the true meaning of sacrifice and love. Now we as Christians must show the world the love we have been given, no matter the opposition we face. We must all be Lions of God. Jesus said, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to Father except through Me." We can be the first glimpse of light, leading our peers, our family members, our enemies towards the true Light.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Faith in Needs

    Faith doesn't just mean to believe in God, it means to also believe in what God can do. (Which, of course, our Sunday School teachers assured us is everything.) But a lot of us, even myself, can't seem to grasp that. Yet the proof of it is everywhere. It doesn't matter how big or little your need is, God sees it, whether or not He meets it right away is up to Him and His ultimate plan. Or maybe its not a need, as in an object, but maybe a changed heart, in yourself, in others. (He does those too. Ever heard of Saul, I mean Paul?)
     Those of us who expect God to work like an IMS forget that God has His own timing. Some might have the faith, just not the patience. Well, I know from experience, you can't have one without the other. You have to trust that God will get you everything you need, know that He knows what is best, and believe that even though it might not happen for years, God is working. He's got more up His sleeve than we can ever hope to see, and faith is just knowing that something up in there is meant for you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Real Prayer

What is the definition of a real prayer? How many of us have said "Our Father, who art in Heaven..." When we were little? Sometimes that isn't personal enough to get us through all of life. It's a start. It teaches us that opening up to God is what we were meant to do from the moment God made Man. And if we're willing, it opens us up to His spirit.
God's definition of prayer is to TALK to HIM. Even if that means outloud, even if it means all day long. It doesn't have to be rehersed. Or thought over. God already knows what you are going to say, before you even realize it. The main thing is that you drop your walls, defenses, and your 'well God really doesn't have to get involved in this, I can handle it all by myself!' or 'well what does He even have to do with this?' ego (yes, I went there, & have been there) and just say it, straight up. You don't have to use fancy words, or read from a book, or even kneel at your bed. In your car, on the bus, at work, or in class, it doesn't matter where you are. God's there. (And we all know to not ignore Him don't we?) The only thing that truly matters is that you do it, you Talk to your Lord with an honest, open heart, mind, and spirit about everything you would to a best friend.   
Every thought you have He sees. Nevertheless of what it is about. Doesn't that mean that simply thinking 'Thank You', 'Help me,' or 'Well now what?' should classify as a real prayer? And doesn't that mean, no matter what, we're always talking to Him, and always being answered?

Saturday, October 16, 2010


    I need this message this week, so I know someone else does.
   Peace can be very hard to find these days. Between your 150+ Facebook friends, each demanding your attention, comments, and RSVP's, and the drama that goes with that. To the days that seem to just last forever yet the whole time you can't even catch your breath long enough to think, much less calm down. Then there's the demands of the report (whether it be for your job or school) that must be turned in first thing Monday morning (so your weekend has just gone down the toliet.) Or, in my case, being taught how to drive and the newness and adrinaline rush that is. Or the kids (siblings, your children, etc) that each need 100% of you, and you can barely get away long enough to take a bath.
     These days are the devil's playground. One single "UGHH" shows you're off line, and we're all guilty of letting those 'What the heck!', 'This stinks!' or 'Well if he/she would just do....then my life would be fine' comments come in our head.
    Jesus never complained that His pallet was too full, and we know what He had (and has) to do.
    God promises to never give us more than we can handle. He knows our limits.
    The next time we're faced with one of these days we have to find the cure. Mine's a hot shower, a prayer, and blaring 'DC Talk' music as loud as I can on my desktop. Then go face the world, be the bigger person and apologize to anyone who needs it, be humble enough to admit your handled it poorly, and be Christ-like enough to say 'I can handle all things through Christ. BRING IT ON!'

Saturday, October 9, 2010


How easy is it to say 'I love you' to your mom before you go to sleep at night? It's kind of routine after a while. People forget the promise imbedded in those three words. A promise to always be there, to adore and care for that person, to correct them when they need it and give them praise. It is not a bargaining chip. Or a tool for manipulation. No one who truly loves you will say the words "If you really love me then you'll..." (Delilah said the same thing. Look at where Samson ended up.) And It shouldn't be followed by asking a favor. It is a promise, given to us, by God, so that we may share it with others...