We can focus on everything that is faulted, we can complain about his/her lack of ____, about how our fathers don't cherish us or understand, our mothers don't tend to us, our siblings seemingly don't care about us, our bosses take us for granted, our co-workers seek to undermine us, our spouses treat the relationship like it is a room-mates with benefits or a business contract. We can blame the government (even if they're at fault, what's your accusation gonna do about it?), we can blame our childhood. We can even blame God.
But the reality is that everything and everyone are faulted. We live in a fallen world. Yes, we expect a lot from those in charge, we expect even more from the ones we love. Yet in doing so, WE are setting ourselves up for disappointment and unfulfillment. We hold others to standards that even they don't plan on reaching. And when they fail in our eyes, we disgust them, we hate them, we shun them, claiming it was their fault alone for this betrayal.
And yes, they are held responsible for their actions, but not to us.
God is the one who is their judge. God is their counselor, their teacher, their guide, and their corrector. We can't take on those roles. We can't expect someone to be perfect, or ideal. We have to recognize the fact that we aren't ever going to reach everyone's standards, and neither are they. We are only meant to have ourselves within God's right sight. And keep our eyes on Him. He'll take care of _______ and their issues.
With my Love and His~ Arial Alexis LionessofGod ♥