Jesus, by giving His perfect life as a payment for ours, so we may live eternally with Him in heaven, showed the true meaning of sacrifice and love. Now we as Christians must show the world the love we have been given, no matter the opposition we face. We must all be Lions of God. Jesus said, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to Father except through Me." We can be the first glimpse of light, leading our peers, our family members, our enemies towards the true Light.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

We aren’t their Judge…

We can focus on everything that is faulted, we can complain about his/her lack of ____, about how our fathers don't cherish us or understand, our mothers don't tend to us, our siblings seemingly don't care about us, our bosses take us for granted, our co-workers seek to undermine us, our spouses treat the relationship like it is a room-mates with benefits or a business contract. We can blame the government (even if they're at fault, what's your accusation gonna do about it?), we can blame our childhood. We can even blame God.
But the reality is that everything and everyone are faulted. We live in a fallen world. Yes, we expect a lot from those in charge, we expect even more from the ones we love. Yet in doing so, WE are setting ourselves up for disappointment and unfulfillment. We hold others to standards that even they don't plan on reaching. And when they fail in our eyes, we disgust them, we hate them, we shun them, claiming it was their fault alone for this betrayal.
And yes, they are held responsible for their actions, but not to us.
God is the one who is their judge. God is their counselor, their teacher, their guide, and their corrector. We can't take on those roles. We can't expect someone to be perfect, or ideal. We have to recognize the fact that we aren't ever going to reach everyone's standards, and neither are they. We are only meant to have ourselves within God's right sight. And keep our eyes on Him. He'll take care of _______ and their issues.

With my Love and His~ Arial Alexis LionessofGod ♥

Monday, October 24, 2011

Let Go

Let Go…

Do you have any unforgiveness 
That you can’t seem to let go? 

Is your life full of bitterness That’s stopping up the flow?

Of the blessings, truth and mercy God’s trying to get through? 

If you cannot forgive others Then He cannot forgive you 

You’re living your life without Him, Selfish and all alone 

As though “you” were all that mattered, And in your heart He’s found no Home 

He’s called your name before. I’m sure you’ve heard Him once or twice 

But His Voice was drowned by your anger In a heart that was as cold as ice 

He wonders how you could doubt Him And the love He has for You 

He’s sent His Word to help you And His Spirit to see you through 

The trials and disappointments That you have faced on your own 

Were never intended for you To go through all alone 

That’s a choice that You made When you stopped up the flow 

With the anger and unforgiveness…He now wants you to “LET GO” 

“For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 

But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.” 

Matthew 6:14-15

With my Love and His~ Arial Alexis LionessofGod ♥

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Get Over It and Get Moving Forward.

When is the last time you stopped complaining and blaming other people, disorders, the government, the economy, your spouse, your family, your job, (the list just keeps going) for all your problems? Have you even stopped to consider that maybe it is your fault? Have you, even once today, admitted to being wrong and done your best to fix the issue? Or have you blamed your behavior on a situation or a condition that is “out of control”?
I am so tired of people, even myself, claiming that we are helpless and we’d would rather throw a fit than put that effort not into our own drama, but in the bettering of dilemma. If you’re failing in school, study. If your life is crashing down, maybe He’s breaking down the false thrown you created so you’ll make one for HIM. If your family is being pulled apart, see if you’re doing all you can to bring Him into the situation so it can be healed, if you’re paying attention to what your kids have to say, what they need, what they expect of you as their leader. If your marriage is suffering, maybe it is time to look over your actions and what the implications are for your spouse, and if you are treating him/her in the manner God intended or if you’ve taken this God given Helpmeet for granted.
If you’ve got a mental disability, depression, addiction, anything that you claim “overrides you” – did Jesus not cast out demons, did He not promise the power of His Spirit on all of us so that we might free ourselves from such afflictions? Does He not say in Mark that we are given power to go out and be reflections of Him and His Might and Glory?
Where in your life are you? Are you on the sidelines, or wandering around wondering which way’s the nearest bandwagon or pity party, or blaming others, or are you the one who regardless of circumstances understands that God gave you a purpose meant only for you, and expects you to get it done.
There are no exceptions to that fact that YOU are in control of your attitude, your actions, your outlook, and your life. When Jesus said if we had faith we could move a mountain, He was serious. We have the capability for that kind of control.
So where is it? Why is humanity claiming to be under attack, that we “just can’t do anything about ____ because ____ isn’t doing their part.”
Where is THAT in the Bible? God never once said we were weak, and that it’s ok to be passive, or inactive, or dramatic. Did He ever say it was ok to blame someone else for your shortcomings?
He said we’re HIS CHILDREN! We’re HIS WARRIORS – HIS LIONS! We have no excuse! GOD HOLDS US 100% RESPONSIBLE.